Illustration Input

Comments on illustrations at up to three stages

Illustration input can be slightly more complicated and take place over a longer period of time as an Advocate can comment at up to three stages. These will usually be:

  • character sketches

  • revisions/roughs

  • colour/final artwork

You should confirm this with the Advocate when you are connected. If feedback on multiple drafts/at multiple stages in the process is required please inform Inclusive Minds to agree a fee for the additional work.

The Authenticity Advocate will look at the images carefully and consider the accuracy, whether there are any amendments that could make the representation more authentic, whether any equipment is drawn well, whether features and posture are authentic, and any additions that would add nuance to make it more authentic. The Advocate may refer you to image references online to ensure greater authenticity. 

The Advocate will generally need to read the text for the book in order to ensure the illustrations match up. For picture books with minimal text, they may comment on the text alongside the illustrations, but for chapter books they should not be expected to comment on the text unless a reader report or detailed feedback has been requested alongside. If this hasn’t been commissioned and the Advocate thinks feedback on the text is needed, they will let Inclusive Minds know so that we can pass this on to you.

Feedback will generally be given as written notes or comments on a PDF, unless otherwise specified.